About The Author

About The Author
Hey! I'm Shaun O Connor.

I'm a writer, filmmaker and photographer.  I have a BA Degree in Multimedia and a Masters Degree in Film Studies.

I'm passionate about storytelling, travelling -- and above all, making movies!

I love what I do, and I have done since I saw Jurassic Park in the cinema when I was 11 years old and decided to become a filmmaker.

My life and career is on track, but for two years (2005-2007), it wasn't.

Depersonalization disorder hit me out of nowhere and completely threw my life off the rails. I went from being a happy, creative young man to being an anxious wreck, unable to focus on anything but the scary thoughts I had 24/7.

It was an incredibly frightening experience and one of the scariest aspects of the whole thing was the lack of specific information available on how to recover.

After two long years, I found my way to recovery. When I did, I looked over all the notes, diaries and research I had done.

I love writing and had some experience in journalism - So I figured, why don't I write the guide to Depersonalization recovery? The book that I wished I'd had when I first got the condition? That told me exactly why I was experiencing what I was experiencing - and exactly what to do?

So I did it. 

Back then I couldn't have imagined how successful the book would become and how much it would help people all around the world. And in the ten years since, I have expanded it, added new sections, recorded an audiobook version.

I also couldn't have imagined the degree to which rates of DP have increased all over the world. Especially as weed becomes legal and stronger strains become available, the condition is becoming an epidemic.

Since I wrote the DP Manual, I have gained over 10 years' experience in dealing with people around the world suffering from Depersonalization.

I have brought this experience into every new edition of the book, and into counseling with people with DP over email and Skype.

I have written extensively about Depersonalization for this website's articles section and various other medical publications including:

About The Author
About The Author
About The Author
About The Author

It's my mission to make information on Depersonalization widely known and easily available. So that someday, nobody will have to go through the same painful process of trial and error that I did.


You can follow the DP Manual here:


Check out my personal website / social media:


And contact me here.