Mo's Depersonalization Recovery Story
I was delighted to interview Mobin Nawabe from Munich, Germany, about his recovery from Depersonalization / Derealization.
As is becoming more and more common these days, Mo's DPDR was triggered by a bad weed experience.
In the interview he describes in detail his time with chronic DPDR, including the thoughts and feelings of disconnection, the fear of going crazy or that the condition might be something else entirely.

He also talks me through his experience of discovering what the condition actually is, and the fear he felt when going through DPDR forums, discovering that some people have had the conditions for many years.
Mo also discusses the obsessive existential thoughts of DPDR, and the seemingly random things that would trigger or aggravate the feelings.

Thankfully, Mobin has recovered completely from his weed-induced Depersonalization and is now 100% back to normal.
Mo talks us through his recovery process and what it feels like to have recovered from DPDR.
Mo's Depersonalization recovery story is inspirational, and it was a pleasure to work with Mo both through The DP Manual and my Zoom Coaching Sessions.
Check out hundreds more DPDR recovery testimonials here!
Start your Recovery from DPDR today!

Hi there! My name's Shaun.
Back in 2005 I suddenly developed chronic Depersonalization Disorder. For almost two years my life, my career, everything went on hold. It was a living nightmare. But through much trial and error, I began to understand what was happening, and how to stop the Depersonalization symptoms, including all the terrifying thoughts and feelings. I made a TOTAL recovery, and I wrote the DP Manual to help others do exactly the same. The DP Manual Package contains everything you need to know for YOUR recovery from Depersonalization.
The DP Manual package includes 65+ mins of exclusive video, the complete DP Manual book including audio book, progress tracker, relaxation guide and much, much more. Download instantly to begin your recovery TODAY!