can weed cause depersonalization

Can Weed Cause Depersonalization Disorder?

Can Smoking Weed Cause Depersonalization Disorder? Yes, weed can trigger Depersonalization / Derealization Disorder. It usually happens as a result of a bad experience on weed, which can feel extremely frightening and traumatic. The symptoms can include feeling ‘high but I’m not on drugs’ or that ‘I’m high and can’t come down’, long after the […]

Can I Smoke Weed After Depersonalization?

Can I (EVER) Smoke Weed After Depersonalization?

Can You Ever Smoke Weed Again After Depersonalization Disorder? So you’ve developed Depersonalization / Derealization Disorder from a bad weed experience. You know you can recover, you might even be making good progress already.  But will you ever be able to smoke weed or eat edibles again? Will you ever be able to hang out […]

Depersonalization Disorder: The 5 Second Rule

Depersonalization Disorder: The 5-Second Rule

Depersonalization Disorder: The 5-Second Rule The 5-Second Rule is a wonderful little tip that gave me a huge amount of comfort and motivation back when I was struggling with Depersonalization and Derealization. And I think you’ll find it super useful too! Depersonalization Disorder can be a real struggle, and can certainly feel like it’s frustratingly […]

5 Reasons You THINK You Can't Recover

Top 5 Reasons (You Think!) You CAN’T Recover From DPDR

DPDR: Top 5 Reasons (You Think!) You Can’t Recover One of the most common worries that Depersonalization / Derealization sufferers have is that they might not be able to recover. So today, I’m going to go through the 5 most common reasons people think they CAN’T recover from DPDR – and why none of them […]

depersonalization forums

Depersonalization Forums – Why You MUST Avoid Them

Depersonalization forums can seem like a fantastic resource. But one of the most common questions I’ve seen in all of my years of dealing with DPDR sufferers is this: “I’ve been looking on Depersonalization forums and there are people who have had the condition for 10 / 20 / 30 years…. If that can happen […]

Depersonalization Recovery Tip

Depersonalization Recovery Tip

Depersonalization Recovery Tip DPDR sufferers are always asking me for advice on dealing with the condition. So today I’m going to share a great Depersonalization recovery tip. This will really help to change your perspective on DPDR, in a way that I found incredibly useful during my recovery!   So one of the most common […]

myths about depersonalization

The Top 5 Myths About Depersonalization + Derealization (DPDR)

The Top 5 Myths About Depersonalization + Derealization Disorder (DP/DR) There’s a LOT of confusing information out there about Depersonalization and Derealization — and in particular, some persistent myths that you tend to hear over and over, especially on forums and discussion boards. They might seem frightening, but there’s very simple explanations for all of them. […]


Tinnitus and Depersonalization

People with depersonalization / derealization will sometimes describe a ‘ringing in the ears’ as one of their many symptoms.  Though I never personally experienced tinnitus and depersonalization / derealization at the same time, I know that they can exacerbate each other. And years later, after a brush with temporary tinnitus, I became aware of the […]

Depersonalization During Coronavirus

Depersonalization During Coronavirus: 10 Simple Tips To Get Through It

Depersonalization During Coronavirus – 10 Simple Tips To Get Through It It’s a stressful time for pretty much everyone on the planet. The news is filled with frightening stories about Coronavirus infection and death rates. We’re all concerned for our health and the health of our friends and loved ones. And what’s the best thing […]

Depersonalization Recovery

Depersonalization Recovery In 3 Simple Steps

There tends of be a LOT of confusion out there about Depersonalization, what causes it, and if recovery is possible. So let’s clear this up once and for all: Yes, Depersonalization recovery really IS possible. And here’s why, in 3 simple steps! 1. It’s Caused By Anxiety Firstly, so much of the fear about Depersonalization […]

can depersonalization turn into schizophrenia

Can Depersonalization Turn Into Schizophrenia?

If you have Depersonalization, you’ve almost certainly been jumping to some scary conclusions about what the condition is. I know I did! So to clear things up, let’s look at a few other conditions like Schizophrenia, Cancer and Amnesia – all conditions that Depersonalization is NOT. ________________________ 1. Schizophrenia Can Depersonalization turn into Schizophrenia? No, it […]

Depersonalization: Why Do You Charge for the DP Manual?

Depersonalization: Why Do You Charge for the DP Manual?

Sometimes if I happen across a mention of my book online it can be in a forum where someone says something like: “I don’t get it. If this guy really has found the way out of depersonalization, why on earth would he charge money for it? You can’t put a price on good health.” Often, […]