Why Does Depersonalization Affect Sleep and Dreams?

Why Does Depersonalization Affect Sleep and Dreams?

How Depersonalization affects Sleep and Dream Patterns _____________________________ Depersonalization / Derealization (DPDR) doesn’t just affect your waking hours — it can also impact your sleep patterns and even your dreams. From nightmares that reflect daytime stress to the sensation of waking up feeling detached, DPDR’s effects on sleep can feel frightening but are always but […]

can weed cause depersonalization

Can Weed Cause Depersonalization Disorder?

Can Smoking Weed Cause Depersonalization Disorder? Yes, weed can trigger Depersonalization / Derealization Disorder. It usually happens as a result of a bad experience on weed, which can feel extremely frightening and traumatic. The symptoms can include feeling ‘high but I’m not on drugs’ or that ‘I’m high and can’t come down’, long after the […]

Can I Smoke Weed After Depersonalization?

Can I (EVER) Smoke Weed After Depersonalization?

Can You Ever Smoke Weed Again After Depersonalization Disorder? So you’ve developed Depersonalization / Derealization Disorder from a bad weed experience. You know you can recover, you might even be making good progress already.  But will you ever be able to smoke weed or eat edibles again? Will you ever be able to hang out […]

Depersonalization-The Questions ARE The Condition

Depersonalization – The Questions ARE The Condition

Depersonalization – The Questions ARE The Condition _____________________________ During my recovery from Depersonalization / Derealization, one of the single most important rules I discovered was this: In order to recover from DPDR, you absolutely MUST stop researching it. But sometimes that’s not as easy as it sounds… When the very first edition of The DP Manual […]

Film about Depersonalization

My Short Film About Depersonalization Disorder

My Short Film About Depersonalization I’m a filmmaker. I’m also a photographer and writer, but filmmaking is my first love. I’ve loved film since I saw ‘Jurassic Park’ in the cinema when I was 11 years old. And I’ve been lucky enough to pursue a career in filmmaking. In fact, I was just starting this […]

Six Reasons LSD Causes Depersonalization

Six Reasons LSD Causes Depersonalization

Six Reasons LSD Causes Depersonalization (….and the ONE reason you can recover!) _____________________________ While weed is the drug most commonly associated with triggering Depersonalization / Derealization disorder, psychedelics like LSD and mushrooms are a close second. Relative to weed, acid is a much less commonly used drug. But I regularly hear of and from people […]

Depersonalization is not Dangerous

PROOF that Depersonalization Is NOT Dangerous

PROOF that Depersonalization Is NOT Dangerous _____________________________ Please Note: This article is NOT a recommendation to take drugs, illegal or otherwise. If you are suffering from drug-induced Depersonalization, please do NOT take more drugs to try and alleviate the condition. This could set back your recovery and possibly trigger another DPDR episode. _____________________________ The antidepressant […]

Can More Drugs Cure My Depersonalization?

Can More Drugs Cure My Depersonalization?

Can More Drugs Cure My Depersonalization? _____________________________ For those of us who have developed chronic Depersonalization / Depersonalization at some point in our lives, there’s often a long, frightening phase where you’re trying to desperately find out what’s wrong with you and how to deal with it. I experienced this myself and believe me — […]

Does Depersonalization Come BackDoes Depersonalization Come Back

Does Depersonalization Come Back After Recovery?

Does Depersonalization Come Back After Recovery? When you recover from Depersonalization, how likely is it to return? One of the most frightening prospects for anyone suffering from Depersonalization is that it might be permanent. Thankfully, that’s not the case! But even for people who have made a full recovery, isn’t the prospect of Depersonalization coming […]

What Causes Depersonalization

What Causes Depersonalization Disorder?

What Causes Depersonalization Disorder? – The 3 Most Common Triggers _____________________________ What causes Depersonalization Disorder? In almost all cases, Depersonalization is caused by stress and trauma (barring a physical cause like a major head injury). The three most common triggers for this are:  1. Panic Attacks 2. Bad Drug Experiences 3. Accumulated Stresses  So why […]

Depersonalization Disorder in the Media

Depersonalization Disorder in the Media

I’m a pretty avid consumer of culture. In fact, I work in the media (TV / Film / Photography)  so it’s part of my job to stay up to date with what’s happening in the world.  I read widely, I follow the news, I love movies and TV. And I’ve noticed that Depersonalization isn’t mentioned […]

Depersonalization WILL NOT give you Multiple Personality Disorder

Depersonalization WILL NOT give you Multiple Personality Disorder

Depersonalization WILL NOT give you Multiple Personality Disorder_____________________________ For people who suffer with Depersonalization, the fear of developing Multiple Personality Disorder  (now more commonly known as Dissociative Identity Disorder or DID) is incredibly common.