Blank Mind? Why Your Brain Feels Empty and How to Fix It
What Is Blank Mind Syndrome?
People report:
Being unable to put together a thought
Having no thoughts at all
Feeling 'My mind is empty'
Having a blank state of mind
Having no inner monologue
Brain Fog
Having worries like: 'My head is blank' / 'Why does my brain feel empty?' / 'Why does my mind always feel blank?'
Typically, Blank Mind Syndrome is experienced as a common symptom of Depersonalization / Derealization Disorder. It's just one of a number of distressing symptoms that when first experienced, can feel terrifying and confusing.
So terrifying, in fact, that people come to the conclusion that it can’t just be caused by Depersonalization / Derealization and anxiety.
It feels as if your mind blanking must be some other rare, bizarre condition that wipes people’s brains clean. Or maybe it's something simpler, but just as serious, like a problem with the brain's ability to retain memories.
But don’t worry - the truth behind Blank Mind Syndrome is actually very simple!
Why Does My Brain Feel Empty?
Firstly, you must understand that Depersonalization is a very common reaction to stressful events, be it trauma, a car accident, or as is very common, after smoking weed.
It’s a natural defense mechanism that, when it doesn't dissipate naturally, can turn into an an ongoing condition.
What this typically feels like is that you’re stuck in a bubble looking at reality, that reality is not real, that you're emotionally numb, that you’re stuck in a dream, that other people are robots.
It can be frightening but it CANNOT harm you.
And of course, the mind struggles to interpret this. It’s SO common to jump to strange, frightening conclusions about the symptoms of DP/DR (or any other anxiety-based condition).
And some people, with their thoughts disrupted by stress and DPDR, assume that they're unable to even form thoughts anymore - and have developed ‘Blank Mind Syndrome’.
In the context of the sudden onset of DPDR and the mind trying to make sense of it, it’s totally understandable. The brain desperately wants to find an explanation, and ‘Blank Mind Syndrome’ seems plausible.
How to Overcome Blank Mind Syndrome
The answer feels counterintuitive, but the first thing to realise about Blank Mind Syndrome is this:
It doesn't exist.
It’s not in the DSM-5.
No doctor has ever diagnosed a patient with having 'a blank state of mind'.
It’s only something that turns up in online forums. Sure, it’s an interpretation of a symptom - but it’s like if I got hayfever and diagnosed myself with ‘Runny Nose Syndrome’.
It wouldn’t be an inaccurate description but it certainly doesn’t help with my recovery!
So why do people post about it so much? Well, that's a good question!
If you had a crippling, mysterious mind-blanking condition that didn't allow you to form thoughts, what would definitely have trouble doing?
Discussing it. Right??
I mean, how could you discuss a topic if your mind was really, truly blank? You couldn't!
And yet, that’s what people do constantly in forums. And they do so in great detail!
Their ability to describe and discuss the condition is totally contradictory to what the condition is supposed to be!
Now, I don’t blame anyone who thinks 'my head is blank, so I must have Blank Mind Syndrome' -- During my own DPDR experience I struggled badly to explain my symptoms. I certainly would have found that explanation as plausible as any.
But it’s so important to step back and look at your thoughts and behaviour objectively. And to remember that with any anxiety spectrum disorder, one of the most counterproductive things you can do is to spend time looking for explanations on forums.
Because what’s more likely?
A: That you have developed some mysterious mind blanking condition that wipes thoughts and prevents your mind from visualizing and planning (but you can still describe it and write about it)
B: Your concentration is temporarily scattered because of the anxiety, and you’re just trying to make sense of that experience?
That's right -- It's B!
Steps to Regain Your Inner Monologue
Another common description of Blank Mind is the fear that people have lost their ‘inner monologue’.
But when does an inner monologue happen?
When you’re not thinking about it!
It’s something that happens naturally, when you are focused on going about your normal daily life. It's non-verbal and most people never even notice that it’s there.
But if you’re actively looking for it, you’re constantly interrupting it. Your constant monitoring of it prevents it from happening naturally -- and then you worry that it’s not there!
Doesn’t that make sense?
Look, it’s totally understandable that you would come to weird, frightening conclusions. But there is literally nothing to be worried about.
Why a Blank Mind Isn't Permanent
Of course your thoughts haven’t stopped, your mind isn't blanking and your brain isn’t going to be ‘wiped’.
And having a blank mind is absolutely harmless and temporary.
It's nothing more than temporarily having trouble focusing because of anxiety. That's all!
Here's what it comes down to:
If you’re thinking ‘I can’t put a thought together’ -- guess what? You just put a thought together!
Literally EVERYBODY who gets DPDR experiences these thoughts. It's the same reason people start to worry that they’re living in a dream, that they’re in purgatory or that they’re going to disappear.
These 'mind blanking' thoughts are frightening but that’s all they are: thoughts. They’re unfounded worries of your brain trying to make sense of a strange - but ultimately harmless - experience.
But here's the good news: You don’t need to worry and you don’t need to address each of these symptoms individually.
DPDR is caused by anxiety, as is every one of these thoughts - even the thought of not being able to form a thought!
And all of these symptoms, weird feelings and thoughts will stop completely as you recover. You can and will get back to normal!
Start your Recovery from DPDR today!
Hi there! My name's Shaun.
Back in 2005 I suddenly developed chronic Depersonalization Disorder. For almost two years my life, my career, everything went on hold. It was a living nightmare. But through much trial and error, I began to understand what was happening, and how to stop the Depersonalization symptoms, including all the terrifying thoughts and feelings. I made a TOTAL recovery, and I wrote the DP Manual to help others do exactly the same. The DP Manual Package contains everything you need to know for YOUR recovery from Depersonalization.
The DP Manual package includes 65+ mins of exclusive video, the complete DP Manual book including audio book, progress tracker, relaxation guide and much, much more. Download instantly to begin your recovery TODAY!